Rotary Lasers
Rotary Laser Levels shoot a 360 degree level laser line around a work area, as opposed to a single laser line produced by line lasers. There are several configurations of rotary lasers to choose from for your application requirements. Rotary surveying lasers come with a variety of different options, including distance, accuracy, slope, plumb referencing or vertical leveling capability. Our rotary laser selection ranges from basic horizontal rotary lasers, to horizontal/vertical lasers, to dual grade rotary lasers with vertical alignment. The dual grade laser provides the ability to give you a read on two slopes on a separate axis at the same time.
Browse our catalog of Rotary Lasers here. Call to order at 800-445-5320.
Rotary lasers for surveying also come with red beam or green beam options. Green laser beams are more visible in bright light making them more versatile for a wide variety of job sites. They are the best option for large indoor jobs where visibility is key. Red beams, however, use less energy are less expensive and can work in most outdoor surveying and development jobs. Green provides an exponential increase in power making them the best choice for large projects. For best results, it is better to have both on hand depending on the worksite. If you plan to use a laser that is made for outdoor work, you will also need a laser detector (also known as laser receivers or laser sensors). This is because laser beams cannot be seen by the human eye in bright light conditions. Laser detectors are very sensitive to the laser beam, and can often double the range of a rotary laser beam.
SURV-KAP is proud to offer the complete SitePro line of Rotary Lasers and Laser Detectors. Our customer service team is standing by to assist you in making your purchase. Feel free to browse our full line of SitePro Rotary Laser products for surveying and construction applications.