phone: (520) 622-6011 phone: (800) 445-5320
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm MST
32.18062° N, 110.92365° W
  • Marking Flags - Plain - 4" x 5" on 21" staff

These vibrant marking flags allow for the quick location of utility lines, pipes and sprinklers.  With an extensive array of colors available, we can accommodate your marking needs and ensure consistent communication and long-lasting visibility for your projects.

Sold in cartons of 1000 flags per carton.  Minimum order of 1 carton of 1000 flags of the same color.

Drop Ship
Drop Ship B Drop Ship B

Marking Flags - Plain - 4" x 5" on 21" staff

  • Product Code: MF4521
  • $130.00

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